Time Interval

Light would have traveled


One Second

299,792,458 metres,
 Often rounded to 300,000 km/s

Earth to the moon is 400,000 km
= 1.3 Seconds

One Minute

17,987,547 km
 or around  18 Million km

Earth to Sun 152 million km
= 8 minutes

One Hour

1,079,252,849 km
 or around  1 Billion km

One Day

25,902,068,371 km

One Year

9,454,254,955,488 km
 or around  9.5 Trillion km

Nearest Star to the Sun is 40 trillion km.
which is 4.3 light years away

"Light Year"
is distance light will travel in one Yeary

and use to measure very large distances involved astronomy

9.5 Trillion km

Distance Time
the length of Earth’s equator 134 ms
from Moon to Earth 1.3 Seconds
from Sun to Earth (1 AU) 8.3 min
from nearest star to Sun (1.3 pc) 4.2 years
from the nearest galaxy (the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy) to Earth 25000 years
across the Milky Way 100000 years
from the Andromeda Galaxy to Earth 2.5 million years
from Earth to the edge of the observable universe 46.5 billion years
Time Interval Light would have traveled
One Second 299,792,458 metres, Offen round to 300,000 km/s
One Minute 17,987,547 km
One Hour 1,079,252,849 km
One Day 25,902,068,371 km
One Earth Year 9,454,254,955,488 km